Innovative Technologies as a Driver of European CGT Commercialisation & Successful Market Adoption
10:30am Chair Introduction
Chairperson: Frank Thielmann, Head Lean, Global Operational Excellence, Takeda
10:35am Presentation: FiCAT (Find-cut-and-transfer) Innovative Gene Writing Platform for Advanced Therapies.
- Gene-writing platform and technology development overview at Integra Therapeutics.
- Gene Therapy program for viral-free systemic deployment
- Cell engineering using advance gene writing technology
Avencia Sanchez-Mejias, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Integra Therapeutics
10:50am Presentation: How Technologies Successfully Move Advanced Therapies Around the World
- Smart, innovative shippers for effective transportation while fulfilling regulatory requirements
- Integration in orchestration systems assures full traceability while driving patient safety
- Cryostorage technology protects therapies and enables market access
Paula Pulsoni, Vice President, Sales and Services, WorldCourier
11:05am Presentation: Creating Foundations For “Simple” and Scalable Processing Platforms Virtually: The Alder Story
- Tech operational challenges of a virtual start-up
- Risks and mitigation strategies to support process and analytical development for the manufacture of allogeneic therapies from pluripotent stem cells
Ricardo P. Baptista, Chief Technology Officer, Alder Therapeutics AB
11:20am Presentation: Gorilla Adenoviral Vector, GRAd: an Innovative, Versatile Technology for Advanced Therapies and Genetic Vaccines
- Technology validation for GRAd vector technology
- Manufacturing based on the intensified production process
- The versatility of technology for advanced therapies and genetic vaccines
Angelo Raggioli, Head of Technology Development, ReiThera
11:35pm Closing Panel with Q&A
With all session participants