Critical Patient Considerations: Patient Operations That Ensure Patient Safety Throughout Cell and Gene Therapy Deployment
16:00pm Chair Introduction
Chairperson: Lynn Fischer, Chief Executive Officer, Title21 Health Solutions
16:05pm Presentation: Prioritizing Patient Safety Through Digital Transformation: Elevate Product Quality, Error Reduction, And Operational Efficiency
- Product quality is patient safety
- Enhancing product quality and reducing human error with operational efficiency
- Digitalising manufacturing batch records
- Eliminate silos to ensure a truly vein-to-vein operation: getting the right therapy to the right patient, on time
- Easing the talent gap bottleneck with digital solutions
- Case study: CD45 calculations reduce human error and improve dosing through a locked, digital system
Lynn Fischer, Chief Executive Officer, Title21 Health Solutions
16:20pm Presentation:
George Eastwood, Board Chair, Interim Executive Director, Emily Whitehead Foundation
16:35 Closing Panel with Q&A
With all session participants joined by
Lynette Okello, Vice President Patient Supply Operations, Achilles Therapeutics
Beth Gardner, Senior Director, Patient Supply, Beam Therapeutics
Jacqueline Barry, Chief Clinical Officer, Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult