Roundtable Session Two
Closing Comments
Roundtable Change & Refreshment Break
Roundtable Session One
Roundtable Selection & Refreshment Break
Opening Panel with Q&A – Cultivating A Voice Of Change: Me, Myself and I
Networking Ice Breaker
Women in Advanced Therapies (WIAT) Pre-Day: Welcome Address
Roundtable Session Two
Roundtable 1: The Importance of Advocating: For Yourself, for Others and for the Community
Moderator: Tanya Sharma, Co-founder, Assurea
Roundtable 2: The Role of Community in Self-Empowerment and Achieving Your Potential
Moderator: Kate Fynes, CMC Translation Consultant, eXmoor Pharma
Roundtable 3: Women Led Investment: The Proof is in the Pitch
Moderator: Anji Miller, Skills Lead, Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapies, Senior Business Manager, lifeArc
Roundtable 4: Breaking Down Barriers: Creating Advanced Thinking Within Advanced Therapies
Moderator: Jacqueline Barry, Chief Clinical Officer, Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult