
Roundtable Session Two
Closing Comments
Roundtable Change & Refreshment Break
Roundtable Session One
Roundtable Selection & Refreshment Break
Opening Panel with Q&A – Cultivating A Voice Of Change: Me, Myself and I
Networking Ice Breaker
Women in Advanced Therapies (WIAT) Pre-Day: Welcome Address

Roundtable Session Two

05 Sep 2023
Palácio Estoril Hotel, Golf & Wellness, Cascais
Founding Partners
Assurea LLC
CGT Catapult
eXmoor Pharma

Roundtable 1: The Importance of Advocating: For Yourself, for Others and for the Community

Moderator: Tanya Sharma, Co-founder, Assurea


Roundtable 2: The Role of Community in Self-Empowerment and Achieving Your Potential

Moderator: Kate Fynes, CMC Translation Consultant, eXmoor Pharma


Roundtable 3: Women Led Investment: The Proof is in the Pitch

Moderator: Anji Miller, Skills Lead, Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapies, Senior Business Manager, lifeArc 


Roundtable 4: Breaking Down Barriers: Creating Advanced Thinking Within Advanced Therapies

Moderator: Jacqueline Barry, Chief Clinical Officer, Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult  


Anji Miller
Skills Lead, Innovation Hubs for Gene Therapies, Senior Business Manager,
Jacqueline Barry
Chief Clinical Officer
CGT Catapult
Kate Fynes
CMC Translation Consultant
eXmoor Pharma
Tanya Sharma
Assurea LLC