Marie Csete MD, PhD is the CEO and Founder of OkuloVision, with previous industry experience as the Executive VP for R&D at Organovo, CMO of Avicena, and President/CEO of the non-profit Huntington Medical Research Institutes. Dr Csete was the first CSO of CIRM, California’s stem cell agency.
As a medical school professor, she led transplant anesthesiology services at UCSF, UCLA, Michigan and Emory, and served as co-director of the Emory/Georgia Tech MD/PhD program. Her lab studied how stem cells age.
Dr. Csete was educated at Princeton (AB, Music), Columbia (MD) and Caltech (PhD) where she was awarded Caltech’s highest honour to a student, the Clauser Prize. Her PhD work was important for the translation of many stem cell products, including OkuloVision’s cone progenitor cells.